Danmark set fra oven
Da min familie bor i Jylland flyver jeg ofte til Aalborg og på gode dage med solskin er det muligt at tage nogle forholdsvis gode billeder. Det er ikke af så god en kvalitet da det er igennem ruderne på et fly, men man kan dog alligevel godt se hvor i landet vi befinder os.
Det er sjældent at vejret er så klart hele vejen.
Denmark from above
On a trip from Aalborg to Copenhagen, the weather was so good that I had to take these pictures. It is not as good a quality as it is through the windows of a plane, but you can still see where in the country we are located.
It's rare that the weather is so clear all the way.
On a trip from Aalborg to Copenhagen, the weather was so good that I had to take these pictures. It is not as good a quality as it is through the windows of a plane, but you can still see where in the country we are located.
It's rare that the weather is so clear all the way.